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Termite Control


There are 2000 known species of termites through out the world. Termites are divided into 3 groups based on the primary location of their colony: The subterranean, The Dry wood and the Damp wood termites. Subterranean termites build under ground nests are a serious concern. Subterranean Termites tunnel their way to wooden structures ( like your home), into which they burrow to obtain food. Termites all share insatiable appetite for wood and other cellulose containing materials. Given enough time, they will feed on the wood until nothing is left but a shell.

TERMOPEST adopt an innovative integrated Termite Management Program for the control & prevention of Termites. We accurately detect, locate, identify and control termite problems with baits and insecticides.

TERMOPEST is specialized in Pre-construction and Post construction especially subterranean and wood boring termites. Chemical treatment of the soil around or under the foundation of buildings serves as one of the most important means of isolating a building from termites. It provides protection from termite attack for many years. The three common methods of applying insecticides to soils are broad cast spraying, trenching and rodding.

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